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Doggie Paddle


Whether your dog just wants a fun swim or is preparing for a dock diving competition, head to The Doggie Paddle in Oshkosh. Our team has over 15 years of experience with dogs of all breeds and is a proud member of the International Boarding and Pet Services Association. Did you know one minute of continuous swimming is equivalent to one mile of running? Exercise and mobility can extend the time we have with our best friends. Many times quality of life questions hinge on mobility. Muscle mass and joint health are key factors in mobility and both can benefit from low impact swimming. Don't wait!! Help your dog now with keeping that senior weight off and them being in the best shape they can be. Come enjoy time with your dog or dogs in the largest and cleanest indoor heated pool. Its great exercise and a lot of fun. Call 920-589-2430 or visit their website at doggiepaddlewi.com. Thats The Doggie Paddle located at 1335 Plainview Drive, Oshkosh.

Doggie Paddle Items

Retail Value: $25.00
Your Price: $18.00
In Stock