Welcome to

Hometown Big Deals


The Roost


The Roost is your hometown bar and grill, where the food is made with love, located at 308 Washington Street in Fairwater. Get your punch card, buy 10 meals get up to $10 off your next meal.
The Roost is serving up daily mouthwatering made from scratch specials Tuesday through Saturday from 11am-9pm and Sunday 11am-7pm.
Check out the daily specials below.
Tuesday: Build a burger/build a chicken/build a wrap
Wednesday: Homestyle day-specials change weekly.
Thursday: Pork chop & chicken dinners along with international day (specials change weekly). The first Thursday of each month is Mexican Day-enjoy tacos, smothered burritos, quesadilla and loaded nachos!
Friday Fish Fry: Cod (baked or fried), perch, butterfly shrimp, clam strips, beer batter basket, seafood sampler, chicken dinners and seafood chowder!
Saturday: $2 off pizza and wings, beer braised BBQ riblets, pork chop, chicken dinners
Sunday: Biscuits & Gravy/Country style chicken, sub of the day and pizza of the day.

The Roost Items