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Smokin Oak BBQ


Did someone say BBQ? Yes Smokin Oak BBA in Montello. There's a reason why it's becoming this areas BBQ dining destination. Weather it's their pulled pork, pulled chicken, smoked brisket, BBQ ribs half and full rack, spicy texas sausages everything is smoked daily with fresh never frozen meat. Enjoy their side orders of french fries, homemade mac & cheese, baked beans and cole slaw. All BBQ sauces and sides are homemade from an all scratch kitchen. Enjoy a variety of beers and wines by the bottle with your meal. They're open Thursday through Sunday 11 am to 7 pm and Friday and Saturday till 8 pm. Bigger, Better, BBQ that's Smokin Oak BBQ Highway 23 West in Montello.

Smokin Oak BBQ Items

Retail Value: $30.00
Your Price: $23.00
In Stock